Page numbers I- correspond to the volume LNCS 7181, page numbers II- to the volume LNCS 7182. Complementary proceedings volumes are not yet assigned page numbers.
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Springer LNCS 7181 | |
Paper |
Page |
NLP System Architecture | |
Invited paper: | |
Thinking Outside the Box for Natural Language Processing
| I-1 |
Lexical Resources | |
A graph-based method to improve WordNet Domains
| I-17 |
Best paper award, 2nd place: | |
Corpus-Driven Hyponym Acquisition for Turkish
| I-29 |
Automatic Taxonomy Extraction in Different Languages using Wikipedia and minimal language-specific Information
| I-42 |
Ontology-driven Construction of Domain Corpus with Frame Semantics Annotations
| I-54 |
Building a Hierarchical Annotated Corpus of Urdu: The URDU.KON-TB Treebank
| I-66 |
Morphology and Syntax | |
A Morphological Analyzer Using Hash Tables in Main Memory (MAHT) and a Lexical Knowledge Base
| I-80 |
Optimal Stem Identification in Presence of Suffix List
| I-92 |
On the Adequacy of Three POS Taggers and a Dependency Parser
| I-104 |
Will the Identification of Reduplicated Multiword Expression (RMWE) Improves the Performance of SVM Based Manipuri POS Tagging?
| I-117 |
On a Formalisation of Word Order Properties
| I-130 |
Core-periphery organization of graphemes in written sequences: Decreasing positional rigidity with increasing core order
| I-142 |
Discovering linguistic patterns using sequence mining
| I-154 |
What About Sequential Data Mining Techniques to Identify Linguistic Patterns for Stylistics?
| I-166 |
Resolving Syntactic Ambiguities in NL Specification of Constraints Using UML Class Model
| I-178 |
A Computational Grammar of Sinhala
| I-188 |
Automatic Identification of Persian Light Verb Constructions
| I-201 |
Word Sense Disambiguation and Named Entity Recognition | |
A Cognitive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation
| I-211 |
A graph-based approach to WSD using Relevant Semantic Trees and N-Cliques model
| I-225 |
Using Wiktionary to Improve Lexical Disambiguation in Multiple Languages
| I-238 |
Organization Name Disambiguity
| I-249 |
Optimizing CRF-based Model for Proper Name Recognition in Polish Texts
| I-258 |
Methods of Estimating the Number of Clusters for Person Cross Document Coreference Tasks
| I-270 |
Coreference Resolution using Tree-CRF
| I-285 |
Detection of Arabic Entity Graphs using Morphology, Finite State Machines, and Graph Transformations
| I-297 |
Integrating Rule-based System with Classification for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
| I-311 |
Semantics and Discourse | |
Space projections as distributional models for semantic composition
| I-232 |
Distributional Models and Lexical Semantics in Convolution Kernels
| I-336 |
Multiple Level of Referents in Information State
| I-349 |
Inferring the Scope of Negation in Biomedical Documents
| I-363 |
LDA-Frames: an Unsupervised Approach to Generating Semantic Frames
| I-373 |
Unsupervised Acquisition of Axioms to Paraphrase Noun Compounds and Genitives
| I-388 |
Age-Related Temporal Phrases in Spanish and Italian
| I-402 |
Can Modern Statistical Parsers Lead to Better Natural Language Understanding for Education?
| I-415 |
Exploring Classification Concept Drift on a Large News Text Corpus
| I-428 |
An Empirical Study of Recognizing Textual Entailment in Japanese Text
| I-438 |
Best paper award, 1st place: | |
Automated Detection of Local Coherence in Short Essays Based on Centering Theory
| I-450 |
A Symbolic Approach for Automatic Detection of Nuclearity and Rhetorical Relations among Intra-sentence Discourse Segments in Spanish
| I-462 |
Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, and Emotions | |
Feature Specific Sentiment Analysis for Mixed Product Reviews
| I-475 |
Biographies or Blenders: Which Resource is Best for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis?
| I-488 |
A Generate-and-Test Method of Detecting Negative-Sentiment Sentences
| I-500 |
Role of Event Actors and Sentiment Holders in Identifying Event-Sentiment Association
| I-513 |
Applying Sentiment and Social Network Analysis in User Modeling
| I-526 |
The 5W Structure for Sentiment Summarization-Visualization-Tracking
| I-540 |
Naive Bayes Classifiers in opinion mining applications. In search of the best feature set
| I-556 |
A Domain Independent Framework to Extract and Aggregate Analogous Features in Reviews
| I-568 |
Learning Lexical Subjectivity Strength for Chinese Opinionated Sentence Identification
| I-580 |
Building Subjectivity Lexicon(s) From Scratch For Essay Data
| I-591 |
Emotion Ontology Construction From Chinese Knowledge
| I-603 |
Springer LNCS 7182 | |
Natural Language Generation | |
Exploring Extensive Linguistic Feature Sets in Near-synonym Lexical Choice
| II-1 |
abduction in games for a flexible approach to document planning
| II-13 |
Machine Translation and Multilingualism | |
Invited paper: | |
Document-Specific Statistical Machine Translation for Improving Human Translation Productivity
| II-25 |
Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding With Enlarged Hypothesis Space in System Combination
| II-40 |
Phrasal Syntactic Category Sequence Model for Phrase-based MT
| II-52 |
Integration of a Noun Compound Translator tool with Moses for English-Hindi Machine Translation and Evaluation
| II-60 |
Neoclassical compound alignment from comparable corpora
| II-72 |
QAlign : A new method for bilingual lexicon extraction from comparable corpora
| II-83 |
Aligning the un-alignable --- a pilot study using a noisy corpus of nonstandardized, semi-parallel texts
| II-97 |
Parallel corpora for WordNet construction: machine translation vs. automatic sense tagging
| II-110 |
Method to Build a Bilingual Lexicon for Speech-to-Speech Translation Systems
| II-122 |
Text Categorization and Clustering | |
A Fast Subspace Text Categorization Method using Parallel Classifiers
| II-132 |
Research on Text Categorization Based on a Weakly-Supervised Transfer Learning Method
| II-144 |
Fuzzy Combinations of Criteria: An Application to Web Page Representation for Clustering
| II-157 |
Clustering Short Text and its Evaluation
| II-169 |
Information Extraction and Text Mining | |
Information Extraction from Webpages Based on DOM Distances
| II-181 |
Combining Flat and Structured Approaches for Temporal Slot Filling or: How Much to Compress?
| II-194 |
Event Annotation Schemes and Event Recognition in Spanish Texts
| II-206 |
Automatically generated noun lexicons for event extraction
| II-219 |
Invited paper: | |
Lexical Acquisition for Clinical Text Mining Using Distributional Similarity
| II-232 |
Developing an Algorithm for Mining Semantics in Texts
| II-247 |
Mining Market Trend from Blog Titles Based on Lexical Semantic Similarity
| II-261 |
Information Retrieval and Question Answering | |
Ensemble Approach for Cross Language Information Retrieval
| II-274 |
Web Image Annotation Using an Effective Term Weighting
| II-286 |
Metaphone pt_BR: the phonetic importance on search and correction of textual information
| II-297 |
Robust and Fast Two-pass Search Method for Lyric Search Covering Erroneous Queries due to Mishearing
| II-306 |
Bootstrap-based Equivalent Pattern Learning for Collaborative Question Answering
| II-318 |
How to answer yes/no spatial questions using qualitative reasoning?
| II-330 |
Question Answering and Multi-Search Engines in Geo-Temporal Information Retrieval
| II-342 |
Document Summarization | |
Using Graph Based Mapping of Co-Occurring Words and Closeness Centrality Score for Summarization Evaluation
| II-353 |
Combining Syntax and Semantics for Automatic Extractive Single-document Summarization
| II-366 |
Combining Summaries using Unsupervised Rank Aggregation
| II-378 |
Using Wikipedia Anchor Text and Weighted Clustering Coefficient to Enhance the Traditional Multi-Document Summarization
| II-390 |
Best software award: | |
Extraction of Relevant Figures and Tables for Multi-document Summarization
| II-402 |
Best paper award, 3rd place: | |
Towards automatic generation of catchphrases for legal case reports
| II-414 |
Applications | |
Invited paper: | |
A Dataset for the Evaluation of Lexical Simplification
| II-426 |
Text Content Reliability Estimation in Web Documents: A New Proposal
| II-438 |
Fine-grained Certainty Level Annotations Used for Coarser-grained E-health Scenarios -- Classification of Diagnoses in Swedish Clinical Text
| II-450 |
Combining Confidence Score and Mal-rule Filters for Automatic Creation of Bangla Error Corpus: Grammar Checker Perspective
| II-462 |
Best student paper award: | |
Predictive Text Entry for Agglutinative Languages using Morphological Segmentation and Phonological Restrictions
| II-478 |
Comment Spam Classification in Blogs through Comment Analysis and Blog Post-Comment Relationships
| II-490 |
Detecting Players Personality Behavior with any Effort of Concealment
| II-502 |
Complementary proceedings | |
Performance Analysis of Pedestrian Detection at Night Time with different Classifiers
| |
Summarizing Public Opinions in Tweets
| |
N-gram approach to transliteration
| |
From Co-occurrence to Lexical Cohesion for Automatic Query Expansion
| |
Mapping Synsets in WordNet to Chinese
| |
Combined Inverted - Bigram – Phrase Index Enriched With Named Entities and Coreferences
| |
Comparing Sanskrit Texts for Critical Editions: the sequences move problem.
| |
Content Extraction Using DOM Structures
| |
Improving Finite-State Spell-Checker's Corrections with POS Tagger's Context N-Grams
| |
Arabic Temporal Entity Extracting using Morphological Analysis
| |
A Flexible Table Parsing Approach
| |
Subsymbolic Semantic Named Entity Recognition
| |
The Quantum of Language. Metaphoric Self Reflection as a Key to Mind Uncover
| |
Corpus Materials for Constructing Learner Corpus Compiling Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading Data
| |
Harnessing Wordnet Senses to Unify Sentiment Across Languages
| |
Hindi Subjective Lexicon Generation using WordNet Graph Traversal
| |
Using the ILCI Annotation Tool for POS Annotation: A Case of Hindi
| |
A corpus based method for product feature ranking for interactive question answering systems
| |
Puzzle Out the Semantic Web Search
| |
How Do Users Express Acceptance: An Ontology-Based Analysis of Blog Comments
| |
String distances for near-duplicate detection
| |
Extracting Emotive Patterns for Languages with Rich Morphology
| |
Knowledge Vertices in XUNL
| |
Translog-II: a Program for Recording User Activity Data for Empirical Translation Process Research
| |
Exploring self-training and co-training for dependency parsing
| |
On the Adequacy of Three POS Taggers and a Dependency Parser
| |
Using Continuations to Account for Plural Quantification and Anaphora Binding
| |
A Computational Implementation of Symmetric and Asymmetric Verbal Coordination