CICLing 2012

Local Information and Conference Venue

Transportation and Accommodation

Official hotel, and getting there

Hotel Parkland, A-2/5, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi - 110 029. Phone: +91 114 603 3333.


Please ask for an address card at the reception and carry the card and the following phones always with you when in the city.

Conference Venue

IIT Delhi, Main Building, Seminar Hall (ground floor).


This is in some 15-20 min ride from the hotel; a tuk-tuk (auto rickshaw) from the hotel should cost at most 50--100 Rs. However, there will be a special bus from the official hotel to the conference venue, at 08:30 am each of the working days of the conference (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday).

Getting to Downtown Delhi

There is a good and cheap Metro system. There is a Metro station near the hotel and near the conference venue.

Otherwise, use taxi or tuk-tuk (auto-rickshaw).

Local information

Alternative accommodation options

We strongly recommend that you stay at the official hotel. If you still want to stay in a different hotel (highly discouraged; think twice!), then check nearby hotels; there are a few hotels near the official one.

Emergency information

In case of emergency or if you are lost, call the local organizers:


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