CICLing 2014 Program
Please return to this page frequently
because changes can be made if the authors notify us of problems.
Version Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
From |
To |
min |
Author |
Title |
Page |
07:30 |
08:25 |
55 |
Bus |
08:30 |
09:25 |
55 |
Johanna Moore |
Keynote |
09:30 |
09:35 |
5 |
Break |
09:40 |
10:05 |
25 |
Daiga Deksne, Raivis Skadiņš and Inguna Skadiņa |
paper, 3rd place: |
1 239 |
10:10 |
10:30 |
20 |
Nikola Ljubešić, Tomaž Erjavec and Darja Fišer |
Standardizing Tweets with Character-level Machine Translation |
2 166 |
10:35 |
10:55 |
20 |
Pranay Kumar Venkata Sowdaboina, Sutanu Chakraborti and Sripada Somayajulu G. |
Learning to summarize time series data |
1 517 |
11:00 |
11:05 |
5 |
Break |
11:10 |
11:35 |
25 |
David Mareček and Zdeněk Žabokrtský |
paper, 2nd place: |
1 252 |
11:40 |
12:00 |
20 |
Marina Boia, Claudiu Cristian Musat and Boi Faltings |
Constructing Context-aware Sentiment Lexicons with an Asynchronous Game with a Purpose |
2 033 |
12:05 |
12:25 |
20 |
Phillip Smith and Mark Lee |
Acknowledging Discourse Function for Sentiment Analysis |
2 046 |
12:30 |
13:15 |
45 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
13:40 |
20 |
Zvi Ben-Ami, Ronen Feldman and Binyamin Rosenfeld |
Using Multi-View Learning to Improve Detection of Investor Sentiments on Twitter |
CyS |
13:45 |
14:05 |
20 |
Kfir Bar and Nachum Dershowitz |
Inferring Paraphrases for a Highly Inflected Language from a Monolingual Corpus |
2 257 |
14:10 |
14:15 |
5 |
Break |
14:20 |
15:15 |
55 |
Johanna Moore |
Special Event |
15:20 |
15:25 |
5 |
Break |
15:30 |
16:05 |
35 |
16:10 |
16:15 |
5 |
Break |
16:20 |
16:55 |
35 |
16:55 |
18:25 |
90 |
Poster session + cocktail |
18:30 |
19:00 |
30 |
Bus |
07:30 |
08:25 |
55 |
Bus |
08:30 |
09:25 |
55 |
Jerry Hobbs |
Keynote |
09:30 |
09:35 |
5 |
Break |
09:40 |
10:00 |
20 |
David Bracewell, Marc Tomlinson, Michael Mohler and Bryan Rink |
A Tiered Approach to the Recognition of Metaphor |
1 405 |
10:05 |
10:25 |
20 |
Marc Tomlinson, Wayne Krug, David Hinote and David Bracewell |
#impressme: The Language of Motivation in User Generated Content |
2 178 |
10:30 |
10:35 |
5 |
Break |
10:40 |
11:00 |
20 |
Henning Wachsmuth, Martin Trenkmann, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels and Tsvetomira Palakarska |
A Review Corpus for Argumentation Analysis |
2 118 |
11:05 |
11:25 |
20 |
Calkin Suero Montero, Tuomo Kakkonen and Myriam Munezero | Investigating the Role of Emotion-based Features in Author Gender Classification of Text | 2 98 |
11:30 |
11:35 |
5 |
Break |
11:40 |
12:00 |
20 |
Lidong Bing, Chunliang Lu and Wai Lam |
Website Community Mining from Query Logs with Two-phase Clustering |
2 203 |
12:05 |
12:25 |
20 |
Amir Hazem |
Improving Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora using Window-based and Syntax-based Models |
2 312 |
12:30 |
13:15 |
45 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
13:40 |
20 |
Alexey An, Bakytkan Dauletbakov and Eugene Levner |
Multi-attribute classification of text documents as a tool for ranking and categorization of educational innovation projects |
2 405 |
13:45 |
14:05 |
20 |
Marina Litvak and Natalia Vanetik |
Multi-document Summarization using Tensor Decomposition |
CyS |
14:10 |
14:30 |
20 |
Tommi Pirinen and Krister Lindén |
State-of-the-Art in Weighted Finite-State Spell-Checking |
2 521 |
14:35 |
14:40 |
5 |
Break |
14:45 |
15:05 |
20 |
Jessica Perrie, Aminul Islam and Evangelos Milios |
How Document Properties Affect Document Relatedness Measures |
2 393 |
15:10 |
15:30 |
20 |
Zelalem Mekuria and Yaregal Assabie |
A hybrid approach to the development of part-of-speech tagger Kafi-noonoo language |
1 300 |
15:35 |
15:40 |
5 |
Break |
15:45 |
16:05 |
20 |
Anjan Nepal and Alexander Yates |
Exploring Applications of Representation Learning in Nepali |
1 138 |
16:10 |
16:35 |
25 |
Niraj Kumar |
paper, 1st place: |
2 483 |
16:40 |
16:45 |
5 |
Break |
16:50 |
17:45 |
55 |
Jerry Hobbs |
Special event |
17:50 |
18:25 |
35 |
Awarding and closing ceremony |
18:30 |
19:00 |
30 |
Bus |
08:00 |
18:00 |
Tour |