Click on the number on the right-hand side for the full text. Notes: These numbers roughly correspond to the page numbers in the book, but not exactly. For citation, please see the final ToC. The text of the papers corresponds to the final book, but formatting and layout, including the number of pages, may differ.
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In these files, the page numbers are final. For citation, please look up your name in the author index (there, II-123 means Part 2, page 123), and then locate your paper in the table of contents (there, Part 1 goes first, and then Part 2). The ISBN etc. is on the title page (last page of the file) or cover image below.
In the draft preface, you can find the acceptance rate and other info about the conference.
Part 1: LNCS 8403 |
Part 2: LNCS 8404 |
Cover image | Cover image | |
Title page | Title page | |
Preface (draft!) | Same as for Part 1 | |
Contents | Same as for Part 1, but in the ToC Part II goes before Part I | |
Author index | Same as for Part 1 | |
On Springer's site | On Springer's site |
Lexical Resources |
Using Word Association Norms to Measure Corpus Representativeness | Reinhard Rapp | 1 |
Optimality Theory as a Framework for Lexical Acquisition | Thierry Poibeau | 14 |
Verb clustering for Brazilian Portuguese | Carolina Scarton, Lin Sun, Karin Kipper-Schuler, Magali Sanches Duran, Martha Palmer and Anna Korhonen | 25 |
Spreading Relation Annotations in a Lexical Semantic Network Applied to Radiology | Lionel Ramadier, Manel Zarrouk, Mathieu Lafourcade and Antoine Micheau | 41 |
Issues in Encoding the Writing of Nepal’s Languages | Pat Hall, Bal Krishna Bal, Sagun Dhakwa and Bhim Narayan Regmi | 54 |
Compound Terms and their Multi-Word Variants: Case of German and Russian Languages | Elizaveta Clouet and Beatrice Daille | 70 |
A Fully Automated Approach for Arabic Slang Lexicon Extraction from Microblogs | Hady Elsahar and Samhaa El-Beltagy | 81 |
Simple TF·IDF is not the Best you can get for Regionalism Classification | Hiram Calvo | 94 |
Improved Text Extraction from PDF Documents for Large-Scale Natural Language Processing | Jörg Tiedemann | 104 |
Document Representation |
Sentic Parser: A Dependency Relation Based Concept Parser for Concept Level Text Analysis | Soujanya Poria and Alexander Gelbukh | 116 |
Obtaining Better Word Representations via Language Transfer | Changliang Li, Bo Xu, Gaowei Wu, Xiuying Wang, Wendong Ge and Yan Li | 131 |
Exploring Applications of Representation Learning in Nepali | Anjan Nepal and Alexander Yates | 141 |
Topic Models Incorporating Statistical Word Senses | Guoyu Tang, Yunqing Xia, Jun Sun, Min Zhang and Thomas Fang Zheng | 153 |
How Preprocessing Affects Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction | Rui Wang, Wei Liu and Chris McDonald | 165 |
Morphology, POS-tagging, and Named Entity Recognition | ||
Methods and Algorithms for Unsupervised Learning of Morphology | Suresh Manandhar and Burcu Can | 179 |
Morphological Analysis of the Bishnupriya Manipuri Language using Finite State Transducers | Nayan Jyoti Kalita, Navanath Saharia and Smriti Kumar Sinha | 208 |
A hybrid approach to the development of part-of-speech tagger for Kafi-noonoo text | Zelalem Mekuria and Yaregal Assabie | 216 |
Modified Differential Evolution for Biochemical Name Recognizer | Utpal Sikdar, Asif Ekbal and Sriparna Saha | 227 |
Syntax and Parsing |
Extended CFG formalism for grammar checker and parser development | Daiga Deksne, Raivis Skadiņš and Inguna Skadiņa | 239 |
Dealing with Function Words in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing | David Mareček and Zdeněk Žabokrtský | 252 |
When rules meet bigrams | Eric Wehrli and Luka Nerima | 264 |
Methodology for Connecting Nouns to their Modifying Adjectives | Nir Ofek, Lior Rokach and Prasenjit Mitra | 274 |
Constituency Parsing of Complex Noun Sequences in Hindi | Arpita Batra, Soma Paul and Amba Kulkarni | 288 |
Amharic Sentence Parsing Using Base Phrase Chunking | Abeba Ibrahim and Yaregal Assabie | 300 |
Anaphora resolution |
A Machine Learning Approach to Pronomial Anaphora Resolution in Dialogue based Intelligent Tutoring Systems | Nobal B. Niraula and Vasile Rus | 310 |
A Maximum Entropy based Honorificity Identification for Bengali Pronominal Anaphora Resolution | Apurbalal Senapati and Utpal Garain | 322 |
Recognizing Textual Entailment |
Statistical Relational Learning to Recognise Textual Entailment | Miguel Rios and Lucia Specia | 333 |
Annotation Game for Textual Entailment Evaluation | Zuzana Neverilova | 343 |
Semantics and Discourse |
Axiomatizing Complex Concepts from Fundamentals | Jerry Hobbs and Andrew Gordon | 355 |
A Semantics-Oriented Grammar for Chinese Treebanking | Meishan Zhang, Yue Zhang, Wanxiang Che and Ting Liu | 368 |
Unsupervised Interpretation of Eventive Propositions | Anselmo Peñas, Bernardo Cabaleiro and Mirella Lapata | 381 |
Sense-Specific Implicative Commitments | Gerard de Melo and Valeria de Paiva | 393 |
A Tiered Approach to the Recognition of Metaphor | David Bracewell, Marc Tomlinson, Michael Mohler and Bryan Rink | 405 |
Knowledge discovery with CRF-based clustering of named entities without a priori classes | Vincent Claveau and Abir Ncibi | 417 |
Semi-supervised SRL system with Bayesian inference | Alejandra Lorenzo and Christophe Cerisara | 433 |
A Sentence Similarity Method based on Chunking and Information Content | Dan Ştefănescu, Rajendra Banjade and Vasile Rus | 446 |
An Investigation on the Influence of Genres and Textual Organizations on the Use of Discourse Relations | Felix-Herve Bachand, Elnaz Davoodi and Leila Kosseim | 458 |
Discourse Tagging for Indian Languages | Sobha Lalitha Devi, Lakshmi S and Sindhuja Gopalan | 470 |
Natural Language Generation |
Classification-based Referring Expression Generation | Thiago Ferreira and Ivandre Paraboni | 482 |
Generating Relational Descriptions involving Mutual Disambiguation | Caio Teixeira, Ivandré Paraboni, Adriano Silva and Alan Yamasaki | 494 |
Bayesian Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Modeling Conversational Agents in a Virtual Environment | Lina Rojas and Christophe Cerisara | 505 |
Learning to summarize time series data | Pranay Kumar Venkata Sowdaboina, Sutanu Chakraborti and Sripada Somayajulu G | 517 |
Sentence-Level Sentiment Analysis in the Presence of Modalities | Yang Liu, Xiaohui Yu, Bing Liu and Zhongshuai Chen | 1 |
Word-Level Emotion Recognition using High-Level Features | Johanna Moore, Leimin Tian and Catherine Lai | 17 |
Constructing Context-aware Sentiment Lexicons with an Asynchronous Game with a Purpose | Marina Boia, Claudiu Cristian Musat and Boi Faltings | 33 |
Acknowledging Discourse Function for Sentiment Analysis | Phillip Smith and Mark Lee | 46 |
A Method of Polarity Computation of Chinese Sentiment Words Based on Gaussian Distribution | Ruijing Li, Shumin Shi, Heyan Huang, Chao Su and Tianhang Wang | 54 |
A Sentence Vector based Over-sampling Method for Imbalanced Emotion Classification | Tao Chen, Ruifeng Xu, Qin Lu, Bin Liu, Jun Xu and Lin Yao | 64 |
News Reader’s Emotion Prediction Using Concept and Concept Sequence Features in Headline | Ruifeng Xu, Jun Xu, Bin Liu, Lin Yao and Qin Lu | 76 |
Emotions target in health forums | Sandra Bringay, Eric Kergosien, Pierre Pompidor and Pascal Poncelet | 88 |
Investigating the Role of Emotion-based Features in Author Gender Classification of Text | Calkin Suero Montero, Tuomo Kakkonen and Myriam Munezero | 101 |
A Review Corpus for Argumentation Analysis | Henning Wachsmuth, Martin Trenkmann, Benno Stein, Gregor Engels and Tsvetomira Palakarska | 118 |
Looking for Opinion in Land-use Planning Corpora | Eric Kergosien, Cédric Lopez, Mathieu Roche and Maguelonne Teisseire | 130 |
Cross-lingual Product Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering With Translation Pairs | Kanako Komiya, Shohei Shibata and Yoshiyuki Kotani | 143 |
Identifying a Demand towards a Company in Consumer-Generated Media | Yuta Kikuchi, Hiroya Takamura, Manabu Okumura and Satoshi Nakazawa | 155 |
Standardizing Tweets with Character-level Machine Translation | Nikola Ljubešić, Tomaž Erjavec and Darja Fišer | 166 |
#impressme: The Language of Motivation in User Generated Content | Marc Tomlinson, Wayne Krug, David Hinote and David Bracewell | 178 |
Mining the Personal Interests of Microbloggers via Exploiting Wikipedia Knowledge | Miao Fan, Qiang Zhou and Thomas Fang Zheng | 190 |
Website Community Mining from Query Logs with Two-phase Clustering | Lidong Bing, Wai Lam, Shoaib Jameel and Chunliang Lu | 203 |
Extracting Social Events based on Timeline and User Reliability Analysis on Twitter | Bayar Tsolmon and Kyung-Soon Lee | 215 |
Beam-Width Adaptation for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation | Su Fei, Gang Chen and Xinyan Xiao | 226 |
Training phrase-based SMT without explicit word alignment | Cyrine Nasri, Kamel Smaili and Chiraz Latiri | 235 |
Role of Paraphrases in PB-SMT | Santanu Pal, Pintu Lohar and Sudip Kumar Naskar | 245 |
Inferring Paraphrases for a Highly Inflected Language from a Monolingual Corpus | Kfir Bar and Nachum Dershowitz | 257 |
Improving Egyptian-to-English SMT by mapping Egyptian into MSA | Nadir Durrani, Yaser Al-Onaizan and Abraham Ittycheriah | 274 |
Bilingually Learning Word Senses for Translation | Joao Casteleiro, Gabriel Pereira Lopes and Joaquim Silva | 286 |
Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora with Topical and Contextual Knowledge | Chenhui Chu, Toshiaki Nakazawa and Sadao Kurohashi | 299 |
Improving Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora using Window-based and Syntax-based Models | Amir Hazem and Emmanuel MORIN | 312 |
An IR-based strategy for supporting Chinese-Portuguese translation services in off-line mode | Martha Ruiz Costa-Jussà, Rafael E. Banchs and Alexander Gelbukh | 326 |
Cross Lingual Snippet Generation using Snippet Translation System | Pintu Lohar, Pinaki Bhaskar, Santanu Pal and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay | 333 |
A Novel Machine Translation Method for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language | Tiansi Dong and Armin B. Cremers | 345 |
A New Relevance Feedback Algorithm Based on Vector Space Basis Change | Rabeb Mbarek, Mohamed Tmar and Hawete Hattab | 357 |
How Complementary Are Different Information Retrieval Techniques? - A Study in Biomedicine Domain | Xiangdong An and Nick Cercone | 369 |
Performance of Turkish Information Retrieval: Evaluating the Impact of Linguistic Parameters and Compound Nouns | Hatem Haddad and Bechikh Ali Chedi | 382 |
How Document Properties Affect Document Relatedness Measures | Jessica Perrie, Aminul Islam and Evangelos Milios | 393 |
Multi-attribute classification of text documents as a tool for ranking and categorization of educational innovation projects | Alexey An, Bakytkan Dauletbakov and Eugene Levner | 405 |
Named Entities as new Features for Czech Document Classification | Pavel Kral | 418 |
A Knowledge-poor Approach to Turkish Text Categorization | Savas Yildirim | 430 |
Credible or Incredible? Dissecting Urban Legends | Marco Guerini and Carlo Strapparava | 443 |
Intelligent Clustering Scheme for Log Data Streams | Basanta Joshi, Manoj Ghimire and Umanga Bista | 456 |
Graph Ranking on Maximal Frequent Sequences for Single Extractive Text Summarization | Yulia Ledeneva, René Arnulfo García-Hernández and Alexander Gelbukh | 468 |
A Graph Based Automatic Plagiarism Detection Technique to Handle The Artificial Word Reordering and Paraphrasing | Niraj Kumar | 483 |
Identification of Plagiarism using Syntactic and Semantic Filters | Vijay Sundar Ram, Efstathios Stamatatos and Sobha Lalitha Devi | 497 |
Text Readability Classification of Bangla Texts | Zahrul Islam, Md. Rashedur Rahman and Alexander Mehler | 509 |
State-of-the-Art in Weighted Finite-State Spell-Checking | Tommi Pirinen and Krister Lindén | 521 |
Spelling Correction for Kazakh | Aibek Makazhanov, Olzhas Makhambetov, Islam Sabyrgaliyev and Zhandos Yessenbayev | 535 |
A preliminary study on the VOT patterns of the Assamese language and its Nalbaria variety | Sanghamitra Nath, Himangshu Sarma and Utpal Sharma | 544 |
Evaluation of Sentence Compression Techniques Against Human Performance | Prasad Perera and Leila Kosseim | 555 |
Automatically Assessing Children Written Skills Based on Age-supervised Datasets | Nelly Moreno, Sergio Jimenez and Julia Baquero | 566 |