CICLing 2015 & ACLing 2015

CICLing 2015 schedule overview

Tuesday 14: CICLing Thursday 16: CICLing Saturday 18: CICLing & ACLing Sunday 19: CICLing & ACLing
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote
10:00 10:00 0 Very short break
10:05 11:00 55 Inauguration
11:05 11:30 25 Break
11:35 12:45 70 3 presentations
12:50 13:00 10 Short break
13:05 14:15 70 3 presentations
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch
15:10 16:05 55 Special event
16:10 16:20 10 Short break
16:25 17:50 85 35 short presentations
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session
20:30     Departure (approx.)
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote
10:00 10:10 10 Short break
10:15 10:45 30 Award presentation
10:50 11:35 45 2 presentations
11:40 12:05 25 Break
12:10 13:20 70 3 presentations
13:25 13:35 10 Short break
13:40 14:50 70 3 presentations
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch
15:50 16:20 30 Award presentation
16:25 17:35 70 3 presentations
17:40 17:50 10 Short break
17:55 18:50 55 Special event
19:00     Departure
  19125 15 Bus at Novotel
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  19:25 25 Bus at Swiss Inn
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote
10:00 10:10 10 Short break
10:15 11:25 70 3 presentations
11:30 11:55 25 Break
12:00 13:10 70 3 presentations
13:15 13:25 10 Short break
13:30 14:15 45 2 presentations
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch
15:10 16:05 55 Special event
16:10 16:20 10 Short break
16:25 17:50 85 35 short presentations
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session
20:30     Departure (approx)
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote
10:00 10:30 30 Award presentation
10:35 10:45 10 Short break
10:50 11:35 45 2 presentations
11:40 12:05 25 Break
12:10 13:20 70 3 presentations
13:25 13:35 10 Short break
13:40 14:50 70 3 presentations
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch
15:50 17:25 95 4 presentations
17:30 17:40 10 Short break
17:45 18:40 55 Special event
18:45 19:05 20 Closing ceremony
19:10     Departure
  19:25 15 Bus at Novotel
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  19:35 25 Bus at Swiss Inn

Registration will be during breaks.


First Arabic Computational Linguistics Conference (ACLing 2015) program overview

Saturday 18 Sunday 19
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 CICLing keynote
10:00 10:10 10 Short break
10:15 10:35 20 Introduction
10:40 11:25 45 ACLing keynote
11:30 11:55 25 Break
12:00 13:10 70 3 presentations
13:15 13:25 10 Short break
13:30 14:15 45 2 presentations
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch
15:10 16:05 55 CICLing special event
16:10 16:20 10 Short break
16:25 17:50 85 Short presentations
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session
20:30     Departure (approx)
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn
From To Min Activity
08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel
  08:45   Arrival
09:00 09:55 55 CICLing keynote
10:00 10:30 30 Award presentation
10:35 10:45 10 Short break
10:50 11:35 45 ACLing keynote
11:40 12:05 25 Break
12:10 13:20 70 3 presentations
13:25 13:35 10 Short break
13:40 14:50 70 3 presentations
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch
15:50 17:00 70 3 presentations
17:05 17:25 20 Closing remarks
17:30 17:40 10 Short break
17:45 18:40 55 CICLing special event
18:45 19:05 20 CICLing closing ceremony
19:10     Departure
  19:25 15 Bus at Novotel
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza
  19:35 25 Bus at Swiss Inn

Green: ACLing room. Other events: shared with CICLing.


Cultural program

Wednesday 15 07:00   Tour: The Egyptian Museum and Old Cairo
Thursday 16 09:10 11:10 Tour for accompanying persons to CULTNAT
Friday 17 07:30 21:00 Tour: The Pyramids
Monday 20 06:00 / 06:30   Tour: Fayoum Oasis


Detailed program - Long oral presentations










08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote: Towards the Computational Modeling of Linguistic Sociopragmatics (see also her paper: Tharawat: A Vision for a Comprehensive Resource for Arabic Computational Processing) Mona Diab I-85
10:00 10:00 0 Very short break    
10:05 11:00 55 Inauguration    
11:05 11:25 25 Break    
11:35 11:55 20 Deletions and Node Reconstructions in a Dependency-Based Multilevel Annotation Scheme Jan Hajič, Eva Hajičová, Marie Mikulová, Jiří Mírovský, Jarmila Panevová and Daniel Zeman I-17
12:00 12:20 20 Satisfying Poetry Properties Using Constraint Handling Rules Alia Bolock and Slim Abdennadher  
12:25 12:45 20 When was Macbeth Written? Mapping Book to Time Aminul Islam, Jie Mei, Evangelos Milios and Vlado Keselj I-73
12:50 13:00 10 Short break    
13:05 13:25 20 Building a Nasa Yuwe Language Test Collection Luz Marina Sierra, Carlos Cobos, Juan Carlos Corrales and Tulio Rojas Curieux I-112
13:30 13:50 20 Making Morphologies the “Easy” Way Attila Novák I-127
13:55 14:15 20

Semantic Role Labeling of Speech Transcripts

Niraj Shrestha, Ivan Vulic and Marie-Francine Moens II-583
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch    
15:10 16:05 55 Special event: Lost and found in Idiomatic Translation Mona Diab  
16:10 16:20 10 Short break    
16:25 17:50 85 35 short presentations    
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session 1    
20:30     Departure (approx.)    
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel    
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    





Tour: The Egyptian Museum and Old Cairo (bus at each of the three hotels)






09:10 11:10  

Tour for accompanying persons to CULTNAT (free, but please register in advance).






08:15   30 Bus at Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote: From Natural Logic to Natural Reasoning Lauri Karttunen I-295
10:00 10:10 10 Short break    
10:15 10:45 30 Best paper award - first place: Automated Linguistic Personalization of Targeted Marketing Messages Mining User-Generated Text on Social Media Rishiraj Saha Roy, J Guna Prasaad, Aishwarya Padmakumar and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru II-203
10:50 11:10 20

Enriching, Editing, and Representing Interlinear Glossed Text

Fei Xia, Michael Goodman, Glenn Slayden, Ryan Georgi and William Lewis I-32
11:15 11:35 20

Bayesian Finite Mixture Models for Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars

Yaohua Tang and Philip L. H. Yu I-201
11:40 12:05 25 Break    
12:10 12:30 20

Experiments on Sentence Boundary Detection in User-Generated Web Content

Roque Enrique Lopez Condori and Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo I-227
12:35 12:55 20

Web Person Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Co-reference Model

Jian Xu, Qin Lu, Minglei Li and Wenjie Li I-279
13:00 13:20 20

Unsupervised Induction of Meaningful Semantic Classes through Selectional Preferences

Henry Anaya-Sánchez and Anselmo Peñas I-361
13:25 13:35 10 Short break    
13:40 14:00 20

Hypernym Extraction: Combining Machine-Learning and Dependency Grammar

Luis Espinosa, Horacio Saggion and Francesco Ronzano I-372
14:05 14:25 20 Identification of Verbal Phraseological Units in Mexican News Stories Belem Priego, David Pinto and Salah Mejri CyS
14:30 14:50 20

Short Text Hashing Improved by Integrating Multi-granularity Topics and Tags

Jiaming Xu, Bo Xu, Guanhua Tian, Jun Zhao and Hongwei Hao I-444
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch    
15:50 16:20 30 Best paper award - second place: Term Network Approach for Transductive Classification Rafael Rossi, Solange Rezende and Alneu Lopes II-497
16:25 16:45 20 Questions, answers and presuppositions Marie Duzi and Martina Cihalova CyS
16:50 17:10 20 ALICE Chatbot: Trials and Outputs Bayan Abushawar and Eric Atwell CyS
17:15 17:35 20

Lexical Network Enrichment Using Association Rules Model

Mallat Souheyl, Hkiri Emna, Maraoui Mohsen and Zrigui Mounir I-59
17:40 17:50 10 Short break    
17:55 18:50 55 Special event Lauri Karttunen  
19:00     Departure    
  19:25 15 Bus at Novotel    
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  19:25 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    




07:30 21:00  

Tour: The Pyramids (bus at each of the three hotels). The tour starts at 07:30






08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote: Sentic Patterns: Designing the Circuitry of Sentiment Data Flow (see also his paper: The CLSA Model: A Novel Framework for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis) Erik Cambria II-3
10:00 10:10 10 Short break    
10:15 10:35 20

Neutralizing the Effect of Translation Shifts on Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation

Marina Fomicheva, Núria Bel and Iria Da Cunha I-596
10:40 11:00 20

Language Set Identification in Noisy Synthetic Multilingual Documents

Tommi Jauhiainen, Krister Lindén and Heidi Jauhiainen I-633
11:05 11:25 20

A Language Modeling Approach for Acronym Expansion Disambiguation

Akram Gaballah Ahmed, Mohamed Farouk Abdel Hady, Amr Badr and Emad Nabil I-264
11:30 11:55 25 Break    
12:00 12:20 20

Learning Ranked Sentiment Lexicons

Filipa Peleja and Joao Magalhaes II-35
12:25 12:45 20

Modelling Public Sentiment in Twitter: Using Linguistic Patterns to Enhance Supervised Learning

Prerna Chikersal, Soujanya Poria, Erik Cambria, Alexander Gelbukh, and Chng Eng Siong  II-49
12:50 13:10 20

EmoTwitter – A Fine-Grained Visualization System for Identifying Enduring Sentiments in Tweets

Myriam Munezero, Calkin Suero Montero, Maxim Mozgovoy and Erkki Sutinen II-78
13:15 13:25 10 Short break    
13:30 13:50 20

Medical Entities Tagging Using Distant Learning

Jorge Vivaldi and Horacio Rodriguez II-631
13:55 14:15 20

Text Integrity Assessment: Sentiment Profile vs Rhetoric Structure

Boris Galitsky, Dmitry Ilvovsky and Sergei O. Kuznetsov II-126
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch    
15:10 16:05 55 Special event: Sentic DB (tentative) Erik Cambria  
16:10 16:20 10 Short break    
16:25 17:50 85 35 short presentations    
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session 2    
20:30     Departure (approx)    
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel    
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    


ACLing room SATURDAY 18

In green shown are events in the ACLing room; other events are shared with CICLing


08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 CICLing keynote: Sentic Patterns: Designing the Circuitry of Sentiment Data Flow (see also his paper: The CLSA Model: A Novel Framework for Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis) Erik Cambria II-3
10:00 10:10 10 Short break    
10:15 10:35 20 Introduction Khaled Shaalan  
10:40 11:25 45 ACLing keynote: Using finite state transducers to resolve Arabic phenomena Kais Haddar  
11:30 11:55 25 Break    
12:00 12:20 20

An Enhanced Technique for Offline Arabic Handwritten Words Segmentation

Roqyiah Abdeen, Ahmed Afifi and Ashraf El-Sisi II-663
12:25 12:45 20

Kalema: Digitizing Arabic Content for Accessibility Purposes Using Crowdsourcing

Gasser Akila, Mohamed El-Menisy, Omar Khaled, Nada Sharaf, Nada Tarhony and Slim Abdennadher II-655
12:50 13:10 20

English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation: State of the Art

Sara Ebrahim, Doaa Hegazy, Mostafa Mostafa and Samhaa El-Beltagy I-520
13:15 13:25 10 Short break    
13:30 13:50 20 Lexicon based and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Approach for Detecting Emotions from Arabic Microplog Text Ahmad Abd Al-Aziz, Mervat Gheith and Ahmed Sharaf Eldin. ACLing
13:55 14:15 20

Word Representations in Vector Space and their Applications for Arabic

Mohamed A. Zahran, Ahmed Magooda, Ashraf Y. Mahgoub, Hazem Raafat, Mohsen Rashwan and Amir Atiya. I-430
14:20 15:05 45 Lunch    
15:10 16:05 55 CICLing special event Erik Cambria  
16:10 16:20 10 Short break    
16:25 17:50 85 Short presentations    
17:55 20:25 150 Poster session    
20:30     Departure (approx)    
  20:45 15 Bus at Novotel    
  20:45 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  20:55 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    




08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 Keynote: Towards a Universal Grammar for Natural Language Processing Joakim Nivre I-3
10:00 10:30 30 Best paper award - third place: Building Large Arabic Multi-domain Resources for Sentiment Analysis Hady Elsahar and Samhaa El-Beltagy II-23
10:35 10:45 10 Short break    
10:50 11:10 20

Detecting Emotion Stimuli in Emotion-Bearing Sentences

Diman Ghazi, Diana Inkpen and Stan Szpakowicz II-152
11:15 11:35 20

Inferring Aspect-Specific Opinion Structure in Product Reviews Using Co-training

Dave Carter and Diana Inkpen II-225
11:40 12:05 25 Break    
12:10 12:30 20

TRUPI: Twitter Recommendation Based on Users’ Personal Interests

Hicham G. Elmongui, Riham Mansour, Hader Morsy, Shaymaa Khater, Ahmed El-Sharkasy and Rania Ibrahim II-272
12:35 12:55 20

Content-Based Recommender System Enriched with Wordnet Synsets

Haifa Alharthi and Diana Inkpen II-295
13:00 13:20 20

Detecting and Disambiguating Locations Mentioned in Twitter Messages

Diana Inkpen, Ji Liu, Atefeh Farzindar, Farzaneh Kazemi and Diman Ghazi II-321
13:25 13:35 10 Short break    
13:40 14:00 20

Experiments with Query Expansion for Entity Finding

Fawaz Alarfaj, Udo Kruschwitz and Chris Fox II-417
14:05 14:25 20

Search Personalization via Aggregation of Multidimensional Evidence About User Interests

Yu Xu, M. Rami Ghorab and Séamus Lawless II-458
14:30 14:50 20

Question Analysis for a Closed Domain Question Answering System

Caner Derici, Kerem Celik, Ekrem Kutbay, Yigit Aydin, Arzucan Ozgur, Gunizi Kartal and Tunga Gungor II-468
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch    
15:50 16:10 20

Confidence Measure for Czech Document Classification

Pavel Král and Ladislav Lenc II-525
16:15 16:35 20

Clustering Relevant Terms and Identifying Types of Statements in Clinical Records

Borbála Siklósi II-619
16:40 17:00 20

Identification of Original Document by Using Textual Similarities

Prasha Shrestha and Thamar Solorio II-643
17:05 17:25 20 TBD TBD  
17:30 17:40 10 Short break    
17:45 18:40 55 Special event Joakim Nivre  
18:45 19:05 20 Closing ceremony    
19:10     Departure    
  19:25 15 Bus at Novotel    
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  19:35 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    


ACLing room SUNDAY 19

In green shown are events in the ACLing room; other events are shared with CICLing


08:15   30 Bus ar Swiss Inn    
08:25   20 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
08:25   20 Bus at Novotel    
  08:45   Arrival    
09:00 09:55 55 CICLing keynote: Towards a Universal Grammar for Natural Language Processing Joakim Nivre I-3
10:00 10:30 30 Best paper award - third place: Building Large Arabic Multi-domain Resources for Sentiment Analysis Hady Elsahar and Samhaa El-Beltagy II-23
10:35 10:45 10 Short break    
10:50 11:35 45 ACLing keynote Mona Diab  
11:40 12:05 25 Break    
12:10 12:30 20 A System for Extracting Sentiment from Large-Scale Arabic Social Data Hao Wang, Ayman Hanafy, Mohamed Bahgat, Sara Noeman and Ossama S Emam ACLing
12:35 12:55 20 Identifying the Topic-Specific Influential Users: using SLM May Shalaby and Ahmed Rafea ACLing
13:00 13:20 20

Arabic Event Detection in Social Media

Nasser Alsaedi and Pete Burnap I-384
13:25 13:35 10 Short break    
13:40 14:00 20

Long-Distance Continuous Space Language Modeling for Speech Recognition

Mohamed Talaat, Sherif Abdou and Mahmoud Shoman. II-549
14:05 14:25 20 Unsupervised Data Driven Taxonomy Learning Mahmoud M. Hosny, Samhaa R. El-Beltagy and Mahmoud E. Allam ACLing
14:30 14:50 20

Statistical Arabic Grammar Analyzer

Michael Nawar I-187
15:00 15:45 45 Lunch    
15:50 16:10 20

Conceptual Search for Arabic Web Content

Aya Zoghby and Khaled Shaalan II-405
16:15 16:35 20 Improved approaches for extracting Arabic Keyphrases Mahmoud Nabil, Mohamed Aly and Amir Atiya ACLing
16:40 17:00 20

Probabilistic Approach for Detection of Vocal Pathologies in the Arabic Speech

Naim Terbeh, Mounir Zrigui and Mohsen Maraoui II-606
17:05 17:25 20 Closing remarks Khaled Shaalan  
17:30 17:40 10 Short break    
17:45 18:40 55 CICLing special event Joakim Nivre  
18:45 19:05 20 CICLing closing ceremony    
19:10     Departure    
  19:25 15 Bus at Novotel    
  19:25 15 Bus at Cairo Plaza    
  19:35 25 Bus at Swiss Inn    




06:00 19:30


Tour: Fayoum Oasis. The tour starts at 06:00 Swiss, 06:15 Cairo Plaza, 06:30 Novotel.




Detailed program - Short oral presentations






CICLing short presentations - TUESDAY 14



A Supervised Phrase Selection Strategy for Phonetically Balanced Standard Yorùbá Corpus

Adeyanju Sosimi, Tunde Adegbola and Omotayo Fakinlede



Identifying Linguistic Correlates of Power

Rachel Cotterill, Kate Muir, Adam Joinson and Nigel Dewdney



Satisfying Poetry Properties Using Constraint Handling Rules

Alia Bolock and Slim Abdennadher



Combining Textual and Visual Features to Identify Anomalous User-generated Content

Lucia Noce, Ignazio Gallo and Alessandro Zamberletti



Finding Potential News from Trends Originating in the Blogosphere

Nigel Dewdney



A Logistic Regression Model of Irony Detection in Chinese Internet Texts

Frank Zhutian Xing and Yang Xu



Domain-Specific Semantic Relatedness from Wikipedia Structure: A Case Study in Biomedical Text

Seyed Armin Sajadi, Evangelos Milios, Vlado Keselj, and Jeannette C.M. Janssen



Measuring Diversity of a Domain-Specific Crawl

Nikhil Pattisapu, Krish Perumal and Vasudeva Varma



Tracking new event by analyzing the behavior and text posted by users

Soumaya Cherichi and Rim Faiz



Rehabilitation of Count-Based Models for Word Vector Representations

Rémi Lebret and Ronan Collobert



Readable and coherent MultiDocument Summarization

Litton J Kurisinkel, Vigneshwaran Muralidaran, Vasudeva Varma and Dipti Misra Sharma



Amazighe Verbal Inflectional Morphology: a New Approach for Analysis and Generation

Fatima Zahra Nejme, Siham Boulaknadel and Driss Aboutajdine



Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Using Tree Kernel Based Relation Extraction

Thien Hai Nguyen and Kiyoaki Shirai



Multi-Document Summarizer

Hazem Bakkar, Asma Al-Hamad and Mohammad Bakar



Anti-Summaries: Enhancing Graph-Based Techniques for Summary Extraction with Sentiment Polarity

Fahmida Hamid and Paul Tarau



Summarizing Customer Reviews through Aspects and Contexts

Prakhar Gupta, Sandeep Kumar and Kokil Jaidka



Computing efficiently the closeness of word sets in natural language texts

Salvatore Cristofaro, Domenico Cantone and Giuseppe Pappalardo



Data-Driven Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Kazakh

Olzhas Makhambetov, Aibek Makazhanov, Zhandos Yessenbayev and Islam Sabyrgaliyev



Trending Sentiment-Topic Detection on Twitter

Baolin Peng, Jing Li, Junwen Chen, Ruifeng Xu and Kam-Fai Wong



An Approach to Tweets Categorization by Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Oil Business

Hanaa Aldahawi and Stuart Allen



Transducers cascades for an automatic recognition of Arabic named entities in order to establish links to free resources

Fatma Ben Mesmia, Nathalie Friburger, Kais Haddar and Denis Maurel



Improving Bilingual Search Performance Using Compact Full-Text Indices

Jorge Costa, Luís Gomes, Gabriel P. Lopes and Luis M. S. Russo



Employing Oracle Confusion for Parse Quality Estimation

Sambhav Jain, Naman Jain, Bhasha Agrawal and Rajeev Sangal



Development of Amazighe Named Entity Recognition System using Hybrid Approach

Meryem Talha, Siham Boulaknadel and Driss Aboutajdine



Detection of Opinion Spam with Character n-grams

Donato Hernández Fusilier, Manuel Montes-Y-Gómez, Paolo Rosso and Rafael Guzman



Exploratory Study of Word Sense Disambiguation Methods for Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese

Marco Antonio Sobrevilla Cabezudo and Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro Pardo



Cross-lingual Semantic Generalization for the Detection of Metaphor

Michael Mohler, Marc Tomlinson and Bryan Rink



Enrichment of the Arabic treebank ATB with syntactic properties

Bensalem Bahloul Raja, Kais Haddar and Philippe Blache



Staged Approach for Grammatical Gender Identification of Nouns using Association Rule Mining and Classification

Shilpa Desai, Jyoti Pawar and Pushpak Bhattacharyya



Feature Selection for Twitter Sentiment Analysis: An Experimental Study

Riham Mansour, Mohamed Abdel-Hady, Eman Hosam, Hani Amr and Ahmed Ashour



"Bag of Events" Approach to Event Coreference Resolution. Supervised Classification of Event Templates

Agata Cybulska and Piek Vossen



Expectation Maximization algorithm for automatic domain ontology construction

Brijesh Bhatt and Pushpak Bhattacharyya



A Dialogue System for Telugu, a Resource-Poor Language

Sravanthi Mullapudi, Prathyusha Kuncham and Radhika Mamidi



Projecting LMF lexica towards OWL-DL through LMF-JAPE patterns to obtain interoperable formats

Malek Lhioui, Kais Haddar and Laurent Romary



Classification of Hindi Stories Using Part of Speech

Harikrishna D M and K. Sreenivasa Rao



Using Text Mining To Analyze Real Estate Classifieds

Sherief Abdallah and Deena Abu Khashan



A study of impact of integration structural context in multimedia retrieval: Application on image media

Sana Fakhfakh Akrout



Automatic Microaspect Identification

Alessandro Bokan and Thiago Pardo



Word Sense Induction For Better Lexical Choice

Neha Prabhugaonkar, Jyoti Pawar and Pushpak Bhattacharyya



A #hashtagtokenizer for Social Media Messages

Vládia Pinheiro, Rafael Bomfim and Vasco Furtado



Using Multiple Metrics in Automatically Building Turkish Paraphrase Corpus

Bahar Karaoglan, Tarik Kisla, Senem Kumova Metin, Ufuk Hurriyetoglu and Katira Soleymanzadeh



Feature Selection in Anaphora Resolution for Bengali: A Multiobjective Approach

Utpal Kumar Sikdar, Asif Ekbal and Sriparna Saha



An Approach to Select the Best User Reviews on the Web

Rogério Figueredo de Sousa, Ricardo Rabelo and Raimundo Moura



What do our children read about? Affect analysis of school texts in Chile

Claudia Martinez, Alejandra Segura, Chistian Vidal-Castro, Jorge Fernandez and Clemente Rubio



Building a Corpus for Arabic Dialects using Games With A Purpose

Maya Osman, Caroline Sabty, Nada Sharaf and Slim Abdennadher



Toward the resolution of Arabic lexical ambiguities with transduction on text's automaton Nadia Ghezaiel and Kais Haddar  


Term Distributional Information based on Probability Theory and Statistical Models in Patent Translation

Darren Hsin-Hung Lin and Yves Lepage


CICLing & ACLing short presentations - SATURDAY 18

In green shown are Arabic-related presentations.



A Named Entities Recognition System for Modern Standard Arabic using Rule-Based Approach

Hala Elsayed and Tarek Elghazaly



Extracting Sentences Using Lexical Cohesion for Arabic Text Summarization

Hamza Zidoum



Opinion Summarization using Submodular Functions: Subjectivity vs Relevance trade-off

Jayanth Jayanth, Jayaprakash S and Pushpak Bhattacharyya



Islamic Fatwa Request Routing via Hierarchical Multi-Label Arabic Text Categorization

Mohamed Farouk Abdel Hady and Reda Ahmed Zayed



Simple, Fast Semantic Parsing with a Tensor Kernel

Daoud Clarke



A Romanian Dependency Treebank

Cătălina Mărănduc and Cenel Augusto Perez



A Two-Level Keyphrase Extraction Approach

Bechikh Ali Chedi, Rui Wang and Hatem Haddad



Comparing Neural Lexical Models of a Classic National Corpus and a Web Corpus: The Case for Russian

Andrey Kutuzov and Elizaveta Kuzmenko


Language Set Identification in Noisy Synthetic Multilingual Documents

Tommi Jauhiainen, Krister Lindén and Heidi Jauhiainen I-633


Information Retrieval and Visualization for Searching Scientific Articles and Patents

Lipika Dey, Hemant Gupta and Kunal Ranjan



Towards an Hybrid Approach for Semantic Arabic Spontaneous Speech Analysis

Lhioui Chahira, Zouaghi Anis and Zrigui Mounir



Feature Analysis for Native Language Identification

Sergiu Nisioi

168 Statistical Arabic Grammar Analyzer Michael Nawar I-187


Arabic Transliteration of Romanized Tunisian Dialect Text: A Preliminary Investigation

Abir Masmoudi, Nizar Habash, Mariem Ellouze and Lamia Belguith



Sentiment Classification with Graph Sparsity Regularization

Xin-Yu Dai



A Flexible Multi-Layer Orhographic Query Expansion Model for Enhancing OCR-Degraded Arabic Text Retrieval

Tarek Elghazaly



Lemon and Tea Are Not Similar: Measuring Word-to-Word Similarity by Combining Different Methods

Rajendra Banjade, Nabin Maharjan, Nobal B. Niraula, Vasile Rus and Dipesh Gautam



Adaptive Tuning for Statistical Machine Translation (AdapT)

Mohamed A. Zahran and Ahmed Tawfik



Text Normalization Model for Turkish Language

Savaş Yıldırım and Tugba Yıldız



Language Identification in Twitter: a study case of Multiclass and Multilabel Text Classification problem

Ferran Pla and Lluís F. Hurtado



Improving Cross Language Information Retrieval Using Corpus Based Query Suggestion Approach

Rajendra Prasath, Sudeshna Sarkar and Philip O'Reilly



Clustering Bilingual Documents Using Various Clustering Linkages Coupled with Different Proximity Measurement Techniques

Rayner Alfred



Bag-of-Concepts Document Representation for Textual News Classification

Marcos Antonio Mouriño Garcia, Roberto Perez-Rodriguez and Luis Anido Rifon



Cross-Dialectal Arabic Processing

Salima Harrat, Karima Meftouh, Mourad Abbas, Salma Jamoussi, Motaz Saad and Kamel Smaili



Annotating Geographical Entities

Alexandru Sălăvăstru and Daniela Gifu



Footprints on Silicon: Explorations in Gathering Autobiographical Content

Eshwar Chandrasekharan and Sutanu Chakraborti



Summarization of technical articles: modeling user’s expectation from a summary using specificity score

Shailesh Deshpande and Athiappan G.



Statistical Sandhi Splitter for Agglutinative Languages

Prathyusha Kuncham, Kovida Nelakuditi, Sneha Nallani and Radhika Mamidi



Design Issues in Automatic Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion System for Standard Yoruba

Abimbola Iyanda and Odetunji Odejobi



OCR Error Correction Using Statistical Machine Translation

Haithem Afli, Loïc Barrault and Holger Schwenk.



Reducing Processing Time of Text Document Thematic Representation with Automatic Summarization Approaches

Mohamed Morchid, Juan-Manuel Torres-Moreno, Javier Ramirez Rodriguez, Richard Dufour and Georges Linarès



Latent Topic Model Based Representations for a Robust Theme Identification of Highly Imperfect Automatic Transcriptions

Mohamed Morchid, Richard Dufour, Georges Linarès and Youssef Hamadi



Uyghur Short Text Classification using Morphological Information

Batuer Aisha



A Readable Read: Automatic Assessment of Language Learning Materials based on Linguistic Complexity

Ildikó Pilán, Sowmya Vajjala and Elena Volodina



Arabic-English Bilingual Named Entity Lexicon leveraging semantic linked data and Parallel Corpus

Emna Hkiri, Mourad Mars, Souheyl Mallat and Mounir Zrigui



Fast and accurate language detection in short texts using contextual entropy

Edgar Chavez, Moises Garcia and Jesus Favela



Mining Parallel Resources for Machine Translation from Comparable Corpora

Santanu Pal, Partha Pakray and Alexander Gelbukh



Sentiment Lexicon-Based Features for Sentiment Analysis in Short Text

Hussam Hamdan, Patrice Bellot and Fréderic Béchet



A New Machine Translation Decoder Based on Artificial Immune System

Manel Ammar and Salma Jamoussi



An Evolutionary-based Term Reduction approach to Bilingual Clustering of Malay-English corpora

Rayner Alfred


A Computational Approach for Corpus Based Analysis of Reduplicated Words in Bengali

Apurbalal Senapati and Utpal Garain I-456


Active Learning Based Weak Supervision for Textual Survey Response Classification

Sangameshwar Patil and Ravindran B



Confidence Measure for Czech Document Classification

Pavel Král and Ladislav Lenc



Textual Entailment Using Different Similarity Metrics

Tanik Saikh, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Chandan Giri and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay



Using Sentiment Analysis to Detect Customer Attitudes in Social Media Comments

Ahmet Suerdem and Eda Karatekin



Which configuration works best? An experimental study on Supervised Arabic Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Talaat Khalil