CICLing 2018
Papers accepted for presentation at CICLing 2018 will be published in a proceedings volume edited by Springer in its LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) series or in a special issue of a journal and presented as either full oral presentation or short oral presentation and a poster, according to the acceptance decision. The publication option (LNCS or a journal) will be communicated to the authors together with acceptance decision.
Submissions are to be original research papers, written in English, not published and not submitted for review elsewhere. Submissions are received electronically via a web submission system (please read the instructions below before entering the system).
The recommended submission format is that of Springer LNSC series. Here are format guidelines and advice on avoiding common errors. Please do not hesitate to ask us any questions.
Please provide your paper exactly as it should appear in the book, with the following exceptions: it should not contain page numbers, running heads, and copyright note, as well as the authors' names (see below). We recommend to leave blank space instead of the authors' names and affiliation on the first page, so that when you add this info you don't have to re-format the paper and the page count does not increase.
Software and data
In addition to the text of the paper, authors are strongly encouraged to provide programs that permit to reproduce their results, see CICLing verifiability, reproducibility, and open source policy.
Submissions ought not to be shorter than 9–10 pages (we do not accept short papers). The page limit included in the fee is 12 pages. We strongly advise you to use as many pages as you really need (even if you pay a small additional fee) and not sacrifice the quality of your paper trying to squeeze it into the page limit. Longer papers often are more complete and understandable and thus receive more citations. In our experience, longer pages have much better probability to be selected for best paper award. However, please contact us if you exceed the limit by more than 5 pages.
A small additional fee of 10 USD will be charged for each additional page over the 12-page limit. The additional fee is charged for the pages exceeding the limit in either the version submitted for review or in the camera-ready version, whichever is greater. The camera-ready version must not be shorter (or contain less information) than the version submitted for review unless the reviewers required this (contact us if you feel you should do shorten it; in any case this would not reduce the fee).
Double blind review policy
Our review procedure is double blind. The papers submitted for review must not contain the authors' names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authors' identity (this information is to be restored in the camera-ready version upon acceptance).
You may cite your own previous work provided that it is not obvious from the text that the cited work is yours. When citing your previous work, avoid indicating that it is yours and do keep your name in References:
Incorrect: In [1] we have shown ... <Hidden for review> [1] have shown ... Correct: In [1] it has been shown ... Smith and Dow [1] have shown ... References
Incorrect: 1. <Authors hidden for review>. A novel WSD algorithm, ACL 2018. Correct:
1. Smith, J., J. Dow. A novel WSD algorithm, ACL 2018.
We accept only electronic submissions via the submission page.
Submission is done in two steps. Before the abstract registration deadline, you should register your paper. You only need a tentative title and abstract at this stage (both can be improved later; the tentative ones are used only to select reviewers for the paper). Later, before the full text uploading deadline, you should upload a PDF file with the complete and finished paper. Normally, only the papers for which the abstract has been registered in time can be uploaded at this point; we cannot guarantee adding new papers after the abstract registration (expression of interest) deadline.
Late submissions: contact us to see if we still can process your submission. Before contacting us, check whether the system is still open. While the system is open for submissions, you can upload your paper; we will do our best to normally review the papers uploaded after the deadline, though we cannot guarantee this.
Now you are ready to go to the submission page:
See contact options on
Poster session
During the poster/demo session and breaks, all participants will have a chance to demonstrate the material related to their talks or posters. If your paper is accepted for full oral presentation but in addition to it you want to present a poster, please contact us in advance.
All posters and demos will be presented twice: at the session of short oral presentations and at the poster/demo session (combined with the Welcome party). Later, posters can also be shown during breaks to interested attendees. Instructions for preparation of your short oral presentation will be sent to you separately.
For presentation of your poster, you will be given approximately 1 square meter (120 cm high, 85 cm wide) of vertical surface to attach your material. If you have some special requirements, please let us know. It is a good idea to bring your own scotch and pins for your poster (unless you know which one is adequate for the surface, bring both).
NEW Please print your poster and bring it to the conference. We will not be able to arrange for printing on site.
If you want to present a demo, please bring your laptop for the demo. It is good idea to bring your own T-joint for your laptop, for other people to be able to use the same electricity outlet. Please contact us in advance if you need Internet access for your demo.
The following common-sense advice may improve your presentation:
For a poster
- Arrange your poster vertically, in two columns (horizontal arrangement of material makes the readers to zigzag when reading your material). Number the sections to indicate the direction of reading.
- Put your photo in a visible place on your poster (or main page of your demo) for people to easier locate you while you are looking at others' posters and demos.
- Use large font, at least 20 pt, and much larger for headings. Note that you probably will explain your poster to several or many people at the same time.
- It is a good idea to prepare some sufficient number of handouts with detailed and additional material.
For a demo
- Have a working program, not a PowerPoint presentation (which should constitute your poster instead).
- Prepare some plan of your demonstration, including some examples tested in advance.
- Prepare all necessary input files in advance, even if small. On the other hand, give the users a chance to test their own examples and play with your program’s options.
- If possible, indicate a webpage where the program and more information can be found.
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