From: Springer []
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 08:33 a.m.
For: gelbukh
Subject: Your eBook download figures: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing
eBook download figures and more Visit us at
Dear Dr. Alexander Gelbukh,

Since its online publication on Feb 24, 2012, there has been a total of 2472 chapter downloads for your book on SpringerLink, our online platform. Over the last year(s) the download figures have been as follows:

Year Chapter Downloads
2012 2472
This means your book was one of the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection in 2012.
As you can see, in addition to the print book, the electronic version reaches a broad readership and provides increased visibility for your work. This is especially noticeable in the long run: statistical data shows that the usage of electronic publications remains stable for years after publication, so this is what you can expect for your book for the years to come.
To present your book 'Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing' to its potential readers and make it findable by search engines, your book has its own homepage, which can be shared through social media and where you can download a flyer for your book!
Springer is constantly working to improve the search engine optimization for this page to ensure that your book appears as high as possible on the search engines’ results lists.
By the way: Journal editors, journalists and bloggers can request a free online review copy of your book right from your book’s home page. Our Online Reviewing Service makes it easy for these reviewers to read your book. As you know, reviews can be an excellent way to boost a book’s visibility in the relevant communities and raise reader interest.

Thank you again for publishing with us. We are very pleased to disseminate your book among the scientific community and look forward to working with you on your next book or journal article.

Best regards,
Your Springer Marketing Team
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Information regarding your royalties
The download information provided in this email does not directly relate to your royalty statement. Springer sells eBooks with a lifetime license. The purchase of this one-time license gives the customer rights to an unlimited number of downloads. Understandably, there is no direct royalty related to the number of downloads. Your royalties are based on print book sales plus an additional amount that is based on the income generated from the sale of the eBook package your book is included in. When we sell any individual eBook through our website or through third parties and we receive payment per item, then royalties are generated at each instance and the royalty rate mirrors that of a normal print book sale, unless your contract specifies otherwise.
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